Review Questions

Category I: Intellectual Merit of Proposed Activity (6 Questions) (Weight: 45%)

How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge, application, and understanding within the high magnetic field research area?

How well qualified is the proposer (individual or team) to conduct the project? (The reviewer should comment on the quality and impact of prior work supported by the UCGP.)

To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts?

How well conceived and organized is the proposed activity?

Is there sufficient access to resources to carry out the proposed project if it is funded?

Does this proposal have the potential for further external funding after UCGP funding is completed?

Category II: Impact on MagLab user programs (4 Questions) (Weight: 35%)

To what extent will it enhance the infrastructure of research and education at the NHMFL or further support the NHMFL User Programs, such as facilities, magnet construction or technology, instrumentation or experimental techniques?

Is there a plan to make the enhancement generally available to NHMFL users, or to incorporate it into the NHMFL infrastructure (e.g., how will an instrument advancement be implemented into the NHMFL User Program?)

Will the work involve or create collaborations with external users of NHMFL?

To what extent does the research effectively utilize the high magnetic field user facilities at the NHMFL or develop materials research critical to Magnet Lab enhancements?

Category III: Broader Impacts (3 Questions) (Weight: 15%)

How well does the activity promote the educational goals of the laboratory?

Does the activity promote diversity in science and engineering?

Is there a potential that results of the work might be commercialized?

Administrative information (not evaluated by committee) (weight: 5%)

Is the PI of this proposal less than 4 years from his/her date of hire as Research Faculty I; assistant professor; or, at LANL, level 2 scientist or engineer?

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