The UCGP accepts proposals in the wide range of different science and engineering disciplines pursued and the MagLab. The Research Program Committee reviews these proposals and is divided into three subcommittees as shown in the chart.
Submitters choose which subcommittee will consider their proposal at the time of submission. (In recent years proposals to Magnet and Magnet materials have also been reviewed by a few qualified members of the Condensed matter subcommittee.)
User Program Directors (UPDs), and the head of the MagLab Magnet Science and technology department have permanent seats on the committee, and can score proposals. Submitters must select at least one UPD (or the MS&T head) to review their proposal. In case of travel, heavy workload or conflict of interest, UPDs can delegate their seat to a senior member of their department.
The director of the UCGP, in close consultation with the UPDs, submits nominations for new members of the RPC to the MagLab director, who sends them invitations to serve on the committee.
Close attention is paid to balance between disciplines. Internal members serve for two-year terms, external members for three-year terms. Members may not submit a proposal while they are serving. As of 1/1/15 the membership of the RPC is as follows: