Full-Proposal Submission Instructions
Deadline: November 22, 2024, 5:00 PM

Full-proposals will be submitted online to the MagLab User Collaboration Grants Program (at https://ucgp.magnet.fsu.edu) in a process very similar to the one used for submitting pre-proposals. The system is designed to be self explanatory, but users might be aided by the following additional information.

  • Login. Enter the User Name and Password you established when submitting the pre-proposal. If you have forgotten your password, click that option on the left side menu.
  • Select "Approved Pre-Proposals" from the left menu. On the right side click "Work on Full-Proposal".
  • Once you begin the full-proposal, your work will be stored in your "Full-Proposal - In Progress" basket until you are ready to submit it. (Reminder: There is no time limit for a session, but if there is no activity for 3 hours, you will be logged out automatically. You may logout and return to the system to work on your proposal at any time).
  • When working on your full-proposal, most actions will occur by using the right-side menu. Note that your pre-proposal materials are stored under "Review Materials." Later in the process, the new materials you upload will be presented here as well.
  • Review PI, Co-PIs, Collaborators. The information that was submitted about the PI, co-PIs, and collaborators with the pre-proposal is stored in the system. Choose each individual from the center box and review/revise/delete as applicable. Remember that ALL co-PIs and collaborators must be identified. Listing these individuals in the body of the proposal is NOT sufficient; administrative information must also be provided separately (i.e., here). If there are new co-PIs or collaborators, or if you didn't provide information on everyone during the first round, add them using the right-side menu option.
  • Add Co-PI(s). All co-PIs MUST be identified and must provide the same information as the PI.
  • Add Collaborator(s). All collaborators MUST be identified, but less information is required.
  • Edit Admin. Info. Review/revise the data submitted with the pre-proposal.
  • Review Prior User Collaboration Grants Program Funding (if applicable). You were required to summarize any prior User Collaboration Grants Program support during the pre-proposal process. Review and revise this information to ensure results, publications, grants, theses, and facility enhancements are fully recorded. Specifically address whether external funding for the prior User Collaboration Grants Program-funded activity was pursued, received, and if so, by what organization.
  • Multi-user functionality. It may be expedient for several people on the same proposal to access the system (i.e., submitter/PI, co-PIs, collaborators). To do this, simply give your user name and password to others involved. By doing this, the online system can serve as a platform for storing the current version of the proposal, facilitate review among principals, and reduce the need for e-mailing attachments.
  • Download Forms:
    • UCGP-1 Budget Form. This form is similar to NSF form 1030. You may download it here or after login. It is in MS Word format, but you will need to upload it back to the system as a PDF file. NOTE: If the pre-proposal budget forms remain unchanged, you do not need to resubmit them.
    • UCGP-2 Current & Pending Support Form. This form is similar to NSF form 1239. You may download it here or after login. It is in MS Word format, but you will need to upload it back to the system as a PDF file.
  • Upload Materials. All materials must be uploaded in PDF format.
    • Proposal content
    • Separate UCGP-1 forms are required for each PI and co-PI who is proposed to receive funding. NOTE: If the pre-proposal budget forms remain unchanged, you do not need to resubmit them.
    • Separate UCGP-2 forms are required for each PI and co-PI.
    • Hint: If multiple User Collaboration Grants Program forms are to be submitted, the multi-user functionality of this online system (see above) may be helpful.
  • Review Materials. Once materials are uploaded, they may be downloaded for collaborative review; they may also be replaced as needed.
  • Submit Full-Proposal. You may submit the proposal once all required items have been completed and/or uploaded. Once submitted, all materials remain available for review. You may also unsubmit the proposal until the electronic deadline: November 22, 2024, 5:00 PM. To review or unsubmit a proposal, choose it from the left navigation panel.

Important Reminder: The following item must be submitted, with all appropriate signatures, directly to the User Collaboration Grants Program Coordinator before the submission of your full proposal is complete:

  • NSF Proposal Cover Sheet (paper copy)

Your proposal will not move forward to review until the forms are received.

Technical assistance: 850-644-6392; IMsystems@magnet.fsu.edu
Program inquiries: Lloyd Engel, ucgp@magnet.fsu.edu

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